People of Rochester describe our city in three word?
Anyone know of a home Barber?
In your opinion, what is the most disappointing band of all time?
What is a perfect night that sticks out in your memory?
What outdated piece of technology do you still have for nostalgia purposes?
What cities outside of NYS has a similar vibe to Rochester ?
Have you ever been embarrassed about being old?
Mary Lupien for Mayor?
Uber and Lyft prices
Increasing semen
Information & Updates About Recent Car Break-ins and Vandalism Around Vick Park A
Losing control of 2024 GLI
How do you deal with the fact that eventually everyone you grew up with will be gone?
What do you practice to keep your wits ?
At least 40 cars broken into on city’s southeast side
Store clerk attacked with bear mace and kicked
is it harder to make friends as you get older?
What’s the most money you lost or someone stole from you?
People who never married, how's daily life?
Why Rochester, New York, Is a Leading Example in Crash Response
Why are cops always at the Wegmans on East Ave?
What was the craziest thing you saw at work or school?
Did you watch TV when it was still B&W? How amazed were you when you saw colour TV for the 1st time? Also, around what time did colour TV really take off where you live?
What drugs have you seen ruin someone's life the quickest?
Movies that remind you of leonard skynard songs