Question about published translations
Natura - Praefatio, auctore Ralph Waldo Emerson
Jeevis et Spiritus Feodalis. Caput 1. (Complete Translation)
Is it possible to learn Latin alone?
Verb-less translations
Why is Latin more popular than Ancient Greek?
A full and complete Latin translation of the Ainulindale
Jeevis et Spiritus Feudum
Full draft translation of JRR Tolkiens 'Ainulindale', 'The Music of the Ainur
Who decides what Age it is?
Gil-galad was a "Rex elfōrum'
Hypothesis: Arda isn't our world in the past
I'm currently reading Beren and Lúthien and oh my God!
Trying to find a copy of "Tolkien och den svarta magin" by Åke Ohlmarks
What would you say is the biggest misconceptiom in Tolkien's Legendarium?
What happen with Rivendell and other elven cities after elves leave Middle Earth?
The fate of the Avari
The Akallabeth.........with a twist
The ‘hero’ of LOTR
Thoughts on use of AI in latin translation
Can i learn latin with Duolingo or Legendibus? What advice would you give me?
Just to take the Professor down of the his pedestal for a second. What are your LEAST FAVORITE parts of The Lord of the Rings?
Joy of Re-Reading
Are there any headcanons/theories/fanons you liked so much or thought about for so long you forgot they were made up?
A translation in multiple parts.