Which Rider Blade is your favorite?
[Water Overflow] What's the best swimsuit for you?
Based on this image give us your rank of your favorite Rewia Final Form Ride Card and why?
Hina Kikuchi
Which is your favorite of the Wing/Wing Zero Gundam versions? Pick one (Gundam Wing Poll 1/5)
The ugliest I felt from a drawing
The final battle seems to be at its point of maximum tension
The Best Kamen Rider Series? Round #6
Here’s my final form tier list,
The Best Kamen Rider Series? Round #5
Which Himeno Wig is your favorite?
Pick one from each row and the other are eliminated
What kinda Sentai hot takes makes you react like this ?
The Best Kamen Rider Series? Round #3
Your thoughts on ZAFT gundams?
Your thoughts on these colors?
I need some help with what to watch next
So fluffy!
“Holy Shi-“
Which movie do you prefer?
You're all just pricks to ren....
Just finished Spirit Chronicles. Do you guys have any leakes on when the s3 is airing ?
Finally!!!! Haruto
Thoughts on Wizard?