LPT How to fall asleep fast
Unbequeme Wahrheit: der gesamte Rechtsruck ist uns als Gesellschaft egal, solange es der Mehrheit halbwegs gut geht.
to pretend he's a real gamer™
What are your genuine criticisms of Balatro?
Solange man der FPÖ das Migrationsthema überlässt, wird sie weiter wachsen
I have missed the last 26 trash taste episodes. Is there any Trash Taste lore I need to to be caught up with?
S17E03 - “Monopulence!” [Post-Episode Discussion]
What Kingdom Hearts world do you think it's the most poorly designed?
What's something you think you're in the top 10% in the world at?
Why do so many characters start with "humble" heritage or background but then actually have elite ones?
Erste Wohnung mieten oder lieber kaufen?
Ab wann gilt eurer Meinung nach Kinderlärm schon als Lärmbelästigung?
Question for the manga readers
Is Thomas Brezina a well-known author in Austria?
Are there guys who pee sitting down?
Unternehmer fordern, Feiertage auf Sonntage zu legen
About the end of 'Orb on the Earth's movement'
Anime Adaptation
[MANGA ENDING SPOILERS] Question about a certain character's identity
You're his lawyer! Defend him!
Immer mehr Eltern zeigen Lehrer für schlechte Noten ihrer Kinder an
what are some of your favourite inside jokes from drag race
Men of reddit what is your advice for younger guys drinking?