Lords of the Fallen Devs are removing Type A& Type B and replacing them with Male & Female and will do so in all their future titles
I started this a joke 3D print, but it became my favorite way to play with my Switch when I'm on my bed... I call it the Dragon Mount. Info in comments.
What video game soundtrack makes you go like this?
Squirtle Use Water Gun
En mindre irritation herfra
Nu har jeg ikke sat mig så meget ind i det, men er det en slags pyramide spil, han reklamerer for ?
(UPDATE) Hvad skal hun hedde?
i heard skinny jeans are coming back in 2025
I wanted to see how the Prydwen arrived at the airport, but I couldn't follow it on the ground fast enough. So I used console command TCL to sprint there in a straight line (as the crow flies).
This jacket is over 34 years old… I bought it in 1989
Is this a good outfit for a date?
I don't know if this has ever been pointed out before but if you look at the icon for the Dark Ranger's Silence, it looks like it was initially made for the Warden (purple skin, gold/black armor on finger)
How we feeling about invisible woman so far?
Er jeg den eneste mand der sidder ned når han tisser?
Hjælp en 10. klasse med at lave sin OSO
Am I the only one seeing this????
Hero saves bunny from wildfire
Nogle forslag til hvordan vi bedst ligger klikgulv?
Min kogeplade gaber
Råd til lydisolering af teenage værelse
MC though he could pet a wild coyote
Kongens nytårstale
Nothing to see here, just a bunch of completely legitimate players in Blackrock Depths
Because somebody said that im holding my own hand here is the prove
Does anyone know who the guy is on the right?