HG Asshimar ( the best HG kit that transforms )
How discern a B1 fake?
What's One Very Small Thing In Warframe That Pisses You Off?
Batman vs Spiderman
Void ghosts found a new way to entertain me
Hmh, so now what?
What Warframe are you taking to 1999
True or nah?
*Knock knock*
Someone Traded me a Magistar riven for 6 fish
If instead of an ability you could also helminth a passive, what would be the strongest combination?
Whats your „Warframe for everything"?
What are free agent monsters you wish their were archetypes for and why
son ,you are so dead
Which ship from the YGO franchise is your favorite and why? I'll start with these 2: Yusei x Aki and Yuto x Riru
What monster do you think is the most iconic staple for the game right now?
Should I...should I feel bad for him?
Whats your farming method?
Genuine question but how are you suppose to get this achievement?
Be honest. How many times did you jump here?
Opinion regarding Gus Grav and Premo Vulcan?
Season 1 and Season 2 (Shown in anime only) completed! <3
[GIVEAWAY] Command Gundam is here to giveaway 3 steam keys to Gundam Breaker 4 Ultimate Edition.
Nuh uh....
The new Ascension Mode is made for Rhino players