Professional Comedian attempts joke.
Reminder: Ethan tried to push Temu Hasan on his fans as an alternative. 😭
Teddy Fresh copied this t shirt in 2017?
Ethan - eats hard boiled eggs and strawberries for breakfast, no other food until dinner. I'm no nutritionist but I think this may be why Ethan is angry all the time - is this too high a calorie deficit? Also CHEWING INTO THE MIC WITH AN OPEN MOUTH IS FOUL
I don't know if I interpreted this clip correctly but did Ethan say he drop a slur in his content nuke?
Ethan Klein on a Boston Marathon Bombing Victim - direct quotes from Ethan Klein
People who watch H3 regularly are friendless. I was one of them.
New TF/Elon shirt…AI??
I was going through my YT recaps and- 😀😭
ethan not discussing the elon musk double heil out of fear for demonetization
Content nuke bingo - simp edition 😂
"If they don't like it they can go draw something better" - Hila pissed off people hate her tone-deaf LA fires tshirt. Ethan cannot accept criticism is coming from outside the snark too..... So let's see your artwork snarkers!
Content Nuke Bingo
Came across this on my feed today, thought it was relevant lol
Gabi Belle's video on the current state of commentary YouTube summarizes H3 podcast's decline to a T
TikTok I saw this morning
Theory: E is mad at Markiplier because of the Honey scandal
✂️ Imagine talking to your wife like this, in front of others no less; on a video you can pause.
Ethan discusses the fear of fading into irrelevance, but it cant help but feel much more personal than he projected onto Beevo
Has anyone noticed that Teddy Fresh didn't come out with a collection this month?
Ethan Klein makes inappropriate joke about Women's bodies and the vibe is destroyed
Has there been ANY mention of Elon’s nazi salute??
Ethan claims markipliers voice is fake because he unfollowed Ethan
Ethan giddy about "ragebaiting the snarkers" with his content nuke. Confirms he will be "pushing the boundary of what's appropriate to say", then reminds us once again he is a "professional comedian"
CONTENT WARNING! Ethan makes a joke about SA in a very serious and casual tone.