What’s on your Mount Rushmore of the Greatest OG DS Games of All Time?
These new videos they keep putting out
Make a case that fits the silver slime 2ds!
E yo, just got my first 3DS. Give me your top 3 games i need to play first
First time gecko owner? Is I'm doing this right?
Help/advice? Future snake owner
Sketch sketch sketch sketch
Just got this pretty little guy. He needs a name
Found an Alpha Froakie while shiny hunting
how to lose my love handles and can someone determine my body fat percentage?
Mounts please!!
Found on Tumblr
This trees branches are growing straight up.
The branches on this tree.
One game to play for the rest of your life, what is it?
broken charging port
EV training on a walk with the best portable ever made
My first shiny!
Sketches in progress/ red pencil creatacolor
Are my cats fighting?
Update on the babies!
Which video game is basically this?
i need to know your gecko names
Not being a hater but its so annoying