RIP to my exhaust manifold gasket!
Your average skatehouse board rack...
Golden Hour with friends is the best!
Underwood Sriracha is the king!
First new board in several years, Bustin Maestro T-Core
Is this something we have all done anyways?
What's an interesting fact about your hometown that most people don't know?
After my first severe curb mishap, this ole bucket lives on!
Caliber III Shim
What 380 miles on my bustin hybrid did to my wheels
Mismatched trucks - will it work? TKP in front (carving), RKP in back (stability)
Demonic televangelist pastor
some mixed surface baby skids
William Royce in the Poiesz
Bustin Board Hybrid V2 - Plugging in board causes electrical discharge and does not charge
About to be an owner...
It’s my cake day so here is the board rack in my house. If this gets 1000 upvotes I’ll try and kickflip them all and post the video. 2000 upvotes and I’ll send one of the completes on the rack to the account with the most upvoted comment on this thread.
What do you do for fun? What’s your hobby?
Can someone try this but with a race board please?
Just rolled into the dealership, hit a bridge in transit on the truck, driver didn’t even notice until he was here.
I see your leaf post and raise you a leafy slide.
I present the Slide School Practice-Helix for setting up and initiating into slides!
working on some new combos
Almost missed my cakeday, here's the best run I've ever been a part of
Here is a photo of that board I was riding. Next to Alex and her dancer. In a previous popular post.