If you could wish for one physical thing to Appear in front of you rn what would it be
some might like this.
Quitting bad habits which were introduced by the wrong crowd
Any advice from post-sexual graduates about surviving high school?
Is empire! empire! (i was a lonely estate) post-rock?
I feel like life would be much better if people just had a little empathy.
need some help
Looking to prevent a future breakup
Yeah whatever you say man
Thinking about covering all of Monomania
Left wing vanishing out from latin america till the end of the decade, did i hear an amen?
No one will ever be able to play instruments aswell as Will Toledo, no one will ever be able to write poetry as well as WIll Toledo - apart from maybe Dan Barrett and Tim Macuga - Jesus Wept.
Are you queer/LGBTQIAA2S+?
what song?
I'm gonna hang myself with leftover tinsel.
The worst image i've ever seen 😭😭💯💯🗣🗣 (From the hell that is Derpballz)
Dismantle culture
Based on a debate i had with a "An"com i had those days irl
I'm going to use the systems around me, not waste time changing it.
Is the cure to male loneliness male loneliness music?
what song is this?
Jesus Wept.
Melon from Beastars. I made this beforeI knew about Egosoc. ("It's strange, isn't it? Carnivores and herbivores should get along, yet their children are treated like freaks." -a quote from Melon)
LP13 BETTER not be about teenagers 😭😭💯💯