Is Burn fireblaze any good
Last "good" Ubisoft Game?
Be honest, when is the last time you hugged your Dad?
Beyblades bouncing off the x rail
Why did people bully you and what were the consequences of that on you mentally ?
Non-Americans of Reddit- do you watch our political debates? If so, why?
What keeps you going?
Does this count as stalking?
what’s some good thing you’re teachers did?
At long last
Who would win in a 4 way battle
[Serious] What are some novels that kids/teens find enjoyable and can read in school?
If you're a student or not, how is/was school?
What’s the worst thing you ever done in school?
What school you went to, and was it worth it?
What's currently stopping you from becoming a school teacher?
Which class/teacher/subject made your school years enjoyable?
What do schools need to start teaching?
If you could make one change to the school system or the way students are treated what would it be?
Okey enough about bad teachers what’s some heartwarming thing you’re teachers did?
What do you miss most about school?
We're you bullied for all your years of school or partially, and how did you get through it?
What is the meanest thing an Elementary School teacher did to you?
Did school PE make you love or hate sports, and why?
What experiences from school stuck in your memory?