Conta desativada, preciso de ajuda urgente😭
Whatsapp isn't backing up, however icloud backs up normally.
What is this (digital?) line in the Bering Sea on Google Maps?
Parei de fumar e estou só a sonhar com cigarros
Good deal ?
Map Quiz: Can you find out what red countries on this map have in common? Difficulty level: Hard
Anyone facing this issue?
Good deal?
Pacote de leite tornou se em iogurte
Album art not loading
Why the album art doesn't show when music changes, only changes when I reopen the app
Apps kids learning em Português
Is this normal?
look at this photo I took
Feliz natal a todos os tugas!
Feliz Natal a todos os condutores tugas!
Feliz Natal a todos os tugas!
Problem with charging the AirPods
Shipping to EU-Portugal
Good replica?
Airpods from AliExpress
Wifi Button on control center