High Haemoglobin and Haematocrit
Can someone please interpret my lab results?
Atrophic gastritis. Digestive issues.
B12 and folate now normal after fixing my diet and folic acid in 2 weeks?
How likely is it to have pernicious anemia with normal b12, normal RBC/hemoglobin?
Should I stop talking folic acid?
B12 Deficiency - are these levels really low?
B12 levels dropping. Could be Pernicious Anaemia?
B12 levels dropping PA?
To those who have gastritis type C, or gastritis that is NOT autoimmune or H pylori related - what is your (suspected) cause?
45/46 MF4M Leeds area And Yorkshire
Safety of medication / supplements.
Third week dip. Is this normal?
Anxiety causing low libido but fear of SSRI causing ED or further loss of libido. Catch 22
Is AA worth it if you’re functioning?
What has helped your libido when it drops?
Has your anxiety caused low sex drive?
Low libido but normal T levels
ED meds don't work, maybe I do not need them? Is it just normal ageing?
Blood test scheduled for this Tuesday but feeling ill. Shall I postpone?
Worry about not getting hard and then i don't but generally i do. Confused!
Overly stimulated. Stalled progress.
Recommendation for UK blood test