Australian workers push back against DEI programs
Why do many hate Dw Drums?/Complain about pricing?
Reference vs Reference One
20” bass drums are special order?
A perspective on Gaucho
Did I some how aquire tank herpes?
Pearl drum mounts
Country Knights
Pearl R2 Air mounts
Charlie Watts
Friend was scammed now account is locked. Repeated attempts to unlock have failed.
Tears For Fears drum kit
Aja drums cover
Top hi hat keyhole prevention
Shine on you crazy diamond solo 💎 realised I got the tone way off but it took a while to get it without any small mistakes
Advice on switching to a rack?
Remo quality
What exactly does the "Paiste shimmer" sound like to you?
Dave Elitch is very opinionated on not burying the beater ever. Thoughts?
Drummers that slow down - how to jam and keep a tempo?
Grimace in concert
Just got this… very disappointed.
How to respond to my ex bf from high schools new gf texting me?
What would you do with this room in the house👏🏼
Daily Song Discussion #73: Cousin Dupree