Specialising as an electrician.
Podcast recommendations that are similar to Novara Media?
What is the yellow stuff in the pic?
How long is a “good” dead hang?
Weight vests - are they worth the investment?
Has anyone tried daily full body training? (For a long time)
Yes, Let’s . . .
Is there a general feeling of distaste for Aaron Bastani amongst Novara Media supporters?
What’s your favourite unconventional pull / chin up exercise?
Are there any unique benefits for doing false grip pull ups on rings?
Fender recommendations?
What grips are you all using?
You and me both Volk
200lb weighted dip
Push ups vs Dips - pick your favourite and tell us why?
CK vs Knipex vs ??
Long term sparks : what are some things that you’ve seen come and go?
Who’s gone from domestic to commercial or vice versa? Let’s hear your story and your takeaway points from it all?
Self employed sparks . . . Have any of you ever had a contractor not pay your CIS deduction to HMRC?
What do you think of this rep?
Who would you like to see in a MB competition?
Hiking boot sizing - standard size or a little bigger?
This must cost so much money to put right 😫
Should men give up their seats for women?
What is your opinion of agency sparks?