Nvidia believes the robotics market is about to explode, just like ChatGPT | The company is pivoting to powering humanoid robotics as AI chips experience stiffening competition
3 nuclear plants in Poland? Soon it will be clear - Polish Ministry of Industry announces
«Pas un mot pour les opérateurs» : Orange en colère après l’annonce du déploiement de Starlink à Mayotte
Meta développe des outils pour doter ses utilisateurs d'« amis » générés par des IA
That advice was not free…
Berlin accuses Elon Musk of seeking to influence Germany's election
Quel part le sexe a dans la solidité d’un couple ?
Chhatgpt tell me if i'm attracted to this woman or not quick
La route solaire, l’échec cuisant de Ségolène Royal
I kinda wish they had hired actual Germans for this scene
I never understood this but where do they with that currency? I feel like these are filmed in America but those don’t look like Dollars?
Quelle est la ligne de démarcation entre un mec non-dépensier et un mec radin ?
oh and the german greens are lieing about nuclear again
80-year-old Oracle founder Larry Ellison, the second-wealthiest person in the world, is married to a 33-year-old Chinese native who is 47 years younger than him.
No, for crying out loud, killing EV subsidies will not help an EV company
En 2009, la Suède a choisi de remplacer les livres par des ordinateurs. 15 ans plus tard, elle alloue 104 millions d'euros pour faire machine arrière
10yr old nephew threw a fit and broke four of my CDs on Christmas
Musk hates Wikipedia and Steve lays out why
In 1907, a young Joseph Stalin (right) stands over the body of his 22-year-old wife, Kato Svanidze, shortly after they had welcomed their first son. Stalin later said, "This creature softened my heart of stone. She died and with her died my last warm feelings for humanity."
A partir de quel moment le jeu devient de la bagarre? Et qu'est ce que je devrais faire?
typical foreign Joe/Jane have no disposable income to go to a restaurant, hail an Uber, or buy a drink
Où rencontrer des mecs qui veulent une vie de famille ? (F28)
If House earns so much why does he need to borrow from Wilson ?
See, Trump isn't the only idiot politician
Oh god, it’s happening!! MAGA is turning on Ugly Elon