Is there a reason I cannot use Dark oneiros to fusion summon light oneiros?
How does he know Kaiba Corporation…?
Is this good for current meta game?
Why don't starliege prevent super poly to target my monsters with 2000 or more atk?
Average Duel Links fan
Mask of Restrict like it's used in the anime.
New Mechanic: Trench Summoning
What are your thoughts on the shiranui archetype in yu-gi-oh?
Is there a place when you can see your own collection of these things? Thanks in advance
Why I can't summon Rainbow Dragon can anyone help me :(
How high can attack of monster in yugioh go?
They didn't even try to make it balanced
I hate this fckn game
Even Espa Roba is abusing skills
Why doesn’t neos klugers effect activate when the returns to the hand
One Turn Floodgate
Sorry, we don't have coke. Is ______, okay?
If I attack face down Armed Dragon Thunder LV10 will its Quick Effect activate?
What kind of fucking game mechanic is this?
What does this mean
A Thought To Balance Yugioh
Abyss Dweller Vs Neos Fusion
When can you return an extra deck monster “to the hand”
How big is Dingirsu, the Machine God of the Evening Star?
in ranked is insane