i did a cover of the Overworld day theme whilst riding a TALL unicycle
i did a cover of Kapp'n's song on ukulele and kazoo whilst riding a unicycle
i did a cover of the Corruption theme music on a unicycle
if anyone's interested i have a YouTube :)
barbie girl - aqua cover
waluigi jean. boom
i played all star behind my head on ukulele whilst hula hooping and riding a unicycle
i did a cover of the Roost music on kazoo and ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
this is folk punk right??!!
i like bananas on tall unicycles playing the banjo because they have no bones
i like bananas because they have no bones on a banjo!!!!!!
banana playing banjo on a nimbus giraffe
bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas bananas
banana pun
i played Brave as a noun by AJJ on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
i did a cover of Brave as a noun on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
the gang... wooaahh
a cover of BIKE played on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
i tried playing plug in baby on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
playing Plug in baby by Muse on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
Krusty krab theme played on ukulele whilst hula hooping and riding a unicycle
i played the Krusty krab song on ukulele whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
a cover of I wanna hold your hand played whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
i did a cover of Buddy Holly whilst hula hooping on a unicycle
i did a cover of In the aeroplane over the sea whilst hula hooping on a unicycle