It's one of the best Scenes of the Movie
Who is the best cannon fodder
Who would be the best cannon fodder for war?
Was the rule of Two more harmful then helpful for the Sith?
a Cop goes into a tower-block with psychic ally
Don't leave me hanging Valve
EA stands for Extreme Assholes
Any place i can get Conan Exiles?
random guy goes on warpath after goons ruin family dinner
DAE have trouble enjoying things due to all the bad things in the world
[Warhammer Fantasy] How come the Empire hasn't moved on in weaponry?
WYR increase your life span for every letter in their name or change their name forever
Still don't know the order
Always wondered why it isn't normal
They don't have a great record
Nazi took his gold
You have to sacrifice something to gain 5 billion dollars what would you rather lose?
[WP] A Super hero/Heroine who's power is being overwhelmingly violent while also being incredibly kind to everyone (except villains)
Defeat is guaranteed
Most angry character that would gain Khorne's notice
The best Dance scene i have ever seen
Superman after losing Louis Lane vs the Entire Viltrumite Empire (including Mark and Nolan)
Aragorn tries to conquer westeros
why are cyborgs rare in the galaxy?
What's the best pun you know?