Given those facts would you choose a crown or an implant?
166 hrs in the game
Chewed on implant site accidentally
Does anybody know what this is? I had dental implant a week ago. Is this normal?
Recovery time for single implant?
Bridge to replace failed implant?
AITA for buying myself an iPad?
Immediate Implant Procedure Experience
Wearing flipper on healing abutment/ healing cap?
Implant failed. Now what?
Does anybody know what this is? I had dental implant 2 days ago. Is this sign of infection?
1 hr after surgery dental implant. Is this normal? Its literally just a hole.
What is the Moonflower used for.
do I need dental implants? Pls help
Day 6 post-extraction - Essix question
List of bugs found in 30 hours
How do you afford implants?
What is this above my implant?
Should I get all on 4 or braces and double jaw surgery?
My dentist in the Philippines want me to come back 4 times to a RTC on a wisdom tooth and says it will cost 8000 php per session for a total of 32000 php. (600 dollars). Is she trying to rip me off?
TIL: You can grab potted plants from homes/stores
Is it possible for dentistry owners not to make any profit in first five years?
I'm terrified about getting a dental implant, I need to get invisalign treatment first but this also has me worried if it'll cause bone loss during the time of my treatment.
Bone loss and implant