What locomotives are on your list?
3 Railgons… weathered… post and pre pix
Added details to my Atlas N Scale GP30 CSX #4233. Sunshades, wipers and freshly painted handrails.
Weekend progress
Slowly getting there, is there an easier way to do ballast?
My N Scale Coffee Table
What being chill and cooperative gets you on a traffic stop.
What’s the deepest rabbit hole you’ve gone down researching a subject?
Update to trolley
How do you make your roads?
painted some figures this weekend (H0 Scale)
Weekend Update
First corner is done! 42" radius down to 30"
AT&SF Blue Goose by Hallmark
Pleased With Progress
We planted blue daze last year but didn’t use weed fabric before planting. How can we get rid of the weeds without pulling them by hand?
New to Hobby - Layout Ideas
Layout Feedback Appreciated
Track Code - 55 or 80?
The trio is safe with me 🛤️
Someone once said, within earshot of me, “Fauxmer doesn’t have any steam!” Fie, I say! A pox upon ye, whoever you were. Take you me for a common knave? Here’s (most of) my kettle collection.
Making a mountain...
What is this mystery part of my Arnold motor
What would you include in a Model Railroader's tool kit?
Bridge / Wye Finally Finished!