What line of work are you in?
Are you changing classes/specs for Season 2? If so, to what?
What is your favourite quote from warcraft universe?
It's 1998, you have $28,000, and you're looking for a mid-size 4x4 SUV. Which one would you pick?
Am I Doing this Right?
Waffle house employees have what it takes to be wrestlers.
The Mt. Rushmore of A7X songs?
This is where his villain arc begins
What’s your favorite memory from when you started playing WoW?
[Request] Assuming this is in the United States, what would the actual amount be?
Government be like "our winnings".
Question for couples and or the ladies
I made an Alliance sweater for my bf
Pantheon, The Unbreakable Spear
Ashley Revell, in 2004 liquidated all of his assets ($135,300) to go to Las Vegas and bet everything on red on roulette
WoW Cookies! (Made by me)
To shake hands
What has been your most nostalgic memory while playing Classic Wow?
I can retire my brewmaster now
Zekvir ?? BM Hunter Help
Hey guys, happy new year I wish you ! How do you actually make gold at the moment? So I farm herbs and ores and make 30 - 50k in just under an hour, what do you farm and how much do you do in an hour? :-)
Attempting solo zekvir soon. What kind of buffs can I get outside of combat?
Full Macro List for all Classes and All Specs
Echos +6 Bricked, Apology
What Warcraft related hill are you prepared to die on?