Wife pregnant- book recommendations?
Larp in Foss Park?
Wildest 24 hours of my life
Those who are financially stable and love your job, what do you do?
Seed ID
Help me where do I post this
Stony Tony chocoloney
Thoughts on the new swirl ninja creami model.
Our favorite, quietly singing uncle is living on a prayer
Why do people say the farmers market is a good way to save money when every one i go to is more expensive than Aldi / walmart?
Thought you might enjoy this
I have watched Breaking Bad, AMA
Best Way to Germinate Seed
Elon Tusk
Man arrested in connection with string of break-ins in Somerville
washed my shirt instead of buying a new one :)
Is it bad to water your cold hardy plants close to an upcoming frost?
New digs, opinions?
What in the world do I put against this wall?
Those who chose to quit drinking- was it worth it?
Aftermath of night sweats. This happens 3-5 times a week.
Gary David pasta
Is anyone else noticing an influx of candidates whose resumes show impressive KPIs, projects, and education but who jump ship laterally every year?
Vt. man with 1800+ encounters with police arrested again
Snow and Ice Removal - Organize with your fellow tenants!