How to crash Watchmen lobbies.
We reached number 2, fuck the millennials 😝
How do you guys like my piercings? I always get bad feedback tbh.
Old people don’t have a monopoly on being stupid
Missouri’s Secretary of State candidate has the wildest videos ever
What's clean version on rap song that you think its funny?
Start pirating Single Player online-only games.
Explosive charges are detonated on the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore
Is the infinity symbol the only thing we have that represents a number closer to infinity than zero?
physic students i need to win an argument with my dad about why infinite energy is imposible
Songs that take traditional songwriting and just say "nah"
Elias: Adults living with parents probably not a stable California trend
What is something that you won't accept or tolerate no matter what?
I want to drop out of college
How do you feel about Ye now in 2024?
How do i stop being tired all the time
Patheticly sad BBL Drizzy stans...
The weirdest part of the beef is Drake fans…
Do guys like bigger girls
Why are tomboys more socially accepted than femboys?
Let's make this sub alive again!
I’m tired
SWIPE TO THE LAST TO SEE THE WINNER!!! Comment your favourite mom character!!
What do you think about people that go around calling everyone "friend" and "buddy"?
What are the downsides of having a high IQ