Lifelong Full-Frame Canon Addict - Picked Up A X100VI In July, Haven't Looked Back
Veterans - How were round 1 results?/r1 debrief
Military vets, how we doing?
Valve submits a patent for a module capable of high fidelity low latency wireless streaming from an undisclosed console to an HMD or Steam Deck.
Finding a Job after the Military (Single Addition)
What is the best thing you’ve gotten out of being in the air force ?
This sub has destroyed my mental health. Please help me! Georgetown McDonough
MBA Results All Over
Rags to riches stories
Profile Review and Insight: 31M Veteran
Vets Comms Skills
Are there any “regular people” at Stanford GSB?
How much did you spend on your admissions journey?
GRE Advice Needed after Astronomically Low GRE Score
How much does pre-MBA exp matter for MBA recruiting?
Active Duty Military, Full Time MBA
Veterans - what’s your story for “why MBA?”
What is “work experience” and how can I leverage what I have, or, “should I get a job and try later, or apply on the next cycle?”
Current Business School Admissions Round (r/MBA MegaThread)
What was the true MBA cost for you?
You want to get out and change careers, but have no idea what to do? Feel like you have no transferable skills? Feel stuck? Read this.
Kellogg Round 1 Ding Squad: Emotional Support
H/S successful applicants of this round, please share your stats & background
Can I still be admitted to an MBA program if I graduate in the Summer?