my first car, volvo c30 r-design 🥰
Pulled in revving his engine and parked in the handicap spot. I immediately knew where this belonged
Rear tires on a rental Suburban, non all wheel drive.
Discontinued Cars, Redesigned Today
First we get the beer teeth, then we get the pig with lipstick, also known as xm and now this? They really need to fire their entire design department!
Outjerked by facebook group
Learn how to drive manual.
There, fixed it for you.
Höjningen är en direkt följd av ökade kostnader i samhället på grund av rådande lågkonjunktur
too low or not enough?
Parking spaces 'too narrow for modern vehicles'
Anyone else driving stick still?
Vad bestämmer egentligen vem som är "Expert"?
Guess what my favorite car is…
Blev mer eller mindre kallad lögnare av nån snubbe på Telia idag
Is there a difference in survivability between lower and higher cost hard hats?
Going fishing
Peak Car Design
tydligen skulle man posta sånt här, hoppas nån kan relatera lol
Any tips for me please?
Have any of you ever been legitimately saved by back/spine protection? I want to be motivated to wear it.
In Defense Of The New Prelude
If you could own any car in the world, no budget or practicality limits. Which one would it be and why?
Welders still getting it in the cold! [Delaware]
TIL… Volvo have yellow blinking lights