Looks awesome! 😎
Mai Gameplay Trailer Premiere
What's a game series you'd like to see make a comeback, but you don't think will ever happen?
This was 100% made by a Slobbering Spastic 🤤
Can’t purchase PlayStation store rewards with points
Can I appeal a “you breached the PlayStation Network Code Of Conduct” ? (Context given here)
How do you actually spend the points?
Just bought Tekken 8 after not playing Tekken since Tekken Tag Tournament 2!
I just bought a game and only then I saw I could start a campaign to earn 400 points if I buy said game: Am I still able to earn them?
PSA: People Play This Game
People need to relax about quick play.
Who is Your Most-Wanted Character? I REALLY hope they add Rogue! I’m not sure how she would play exactly, maybe a tank? i think she could be a jack of all trades, master of none, with her power absorbing abilities.
It won’t let me purchase this?
Need teammates who aren’t fucking dumb as shit to play comp with please
Stars won't let me claim in-game currency rewards with points
Are we getting any psplus discount?
Trying to redeem my points for this reward, using my points, but it’s trying to charge me Money instead. Any help please?
Giveaway] $100 PSN Gift Card - US Store
Poor kid
My subscription ended 09/12/24 , I have not had the funds to renew. My subscription now says I don’t need to renew until 09/12/25 and I can still play online. No money has been taken from my bank account. What’s going on?
Looking forward to the future of this game. The possibilities are endless