Quitting weed was the best decision of my life.
Sha Warvo Shrine (wind shrine) hints, no spoilers please!
I don't get this thing about people with autism/Asperger's having a child-like side when everyone seems to have one.
What do you exchange your orbs and korok seeds?
Molduga? Never heard of her…
Slender: The Eight Pages (this gave me flashbacks)
If it works, it works! (Dago Chisay Shrine)
Finally beat thunderblight ganon!!!
Lemon Glow - Beach House
Hibiscus Ginger Tea Ft. Ginger Cat
Side of Smooth (Nathan & Chris Locke)- "Morning Walk", nerd rap extraordinaires
Tea has been helping me stay hydrated!
What I ordered vs what I got
Please give this unsuspecting cup a name
I can only speak as a resident of the UK, but all episodes of NFY are now free to stream on pluto.tv
Are you supposed to smile at people who you accidentally make eye contact with in public?
Rank from favorite to least favorite ties are allowed
What’s your favorite fruit to dehydrate?
I somehow made a tea that smells like buttered popcorn Jelly Bellies
Jessie Baylin - “supermoon”
Fictional characters you see as coded to be autistic. I'll start...
More Birds = More Business
Aspie trait or im just an ash old?
slenderbodies - carousel