H: Reflective x1, Bruisers x6, Pounders x6, Rejuvenators x4, Arms Keeper x7, Thru-Hikers x4 and Stinging core and Gamma wave GP plans W: Leaders, Energy Gun BBHs or EPR mods, offers.
W: EPR Aligned Short Barrel Mod Box H: 1-4* legendary mods, GP mod boxes, Caps
H:40 leaders W: x2 bolstering,x3 2* strength
W:EPG Aligned short barrel box mod H: GP Mod boxes, 1-4* Legendary mods, Caps
W: EPG Aligned short barrel box H: A ton of mods 1-4, GP mod boxes, caps.
Help identifying a movie I saw on Shudder.
Help identifying a Shudder TV flick
H: epr forcefull stock + 30k caps W: 5x sentinel mod.
H: Leaders W:Pounders
PS H: Reflective W: 2 Rejuvenated
H: 3 pounders W: 75 Leaders a piece
Accidentally soaked purple heart in hydrochloric acid for 24 hours
H: Pounders x4 W: 75 Leaders or Energy bobbles a piece
H: EPR calibrated capacitor or Aligned auto barrel W: arms keeper or 2 powered
[PS4] H: Bloodied Fast Fire Rate 3Agility Enclave Plasma Rifle W:Leaders or reflective or Tankys mods if possible.
Anyone willing to bring me along on my first Raid PS? (I'm 3000 hrs in, see comments)
H: Pounders W: Pin Pointers
H: a plan W: does anyone sell cheap build your own enclave gun parts/weapons?
H: 100 Energy Bobbleheads + 50 Explosive Bobbleheads W: Ranger Mod
H: Stinging Core Plans 2x, Swift Core Plan, GP Mod Boxes, 4* Mods, Indigo Bat and Rare Plans W: Leaders/Energy Gun Bobbles, EPR Forceful Stock, and offers.
H: Gat Plas Stinging core plan W: Price check
H: Enclave Reflex Sight Mod W: Mod Offers
H: Mods and Leaders W: 4x OE and 1x Thru Hiker
H: 2x Stinging Core Plans & Swift Core Plan W: Leaders or EPR forceful stock or Reflex Sight mod box
H: Leaders W: David’s Trophy