It's over
Title text
True spotify
Sadness :(
If Silksong comes out in 2026, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Characters whose name is “_______ Guy”
After 10 years. 10 LONG YEARS! I have finally read every Spider-Man story. Ask me anything
When a joke is definitely just one of the writers venting about an experience they've had
fuck ai
What is stopping you from having a baby?
Qwertykeys Giveaway: A QK80MK2 Kit with Random Configuration
Me when free stuff
Mike Johnson asked Elon Musk if he wants to be Speaker of the House
Yeah we’re fudged
For legal reasons this is a joke
i just want answers man
It is literally this
Imagine if Dreamworks actually announces this
Vegas is fucking coping rn
Yet to be identified Anomalous Phenomena (YAP)
I have no oo oo and I must ah ah
Are these still allowed
Rot in shit bozo