What’s something you hated as a kid but love now?
What’s a food you’ll never get tired of eating?
What’s some advice you ignored but wish you hadn’t?
If you could erase one invention from history, what would it be?
What’s something simple you never learned, but others seem to know?
What’s a smell that instantly takes you back to your childhood?
What’s the weirdest habit you’ve seen someone have?
What is something a lot of people refuse to do even though it’s easy?
What is a fun fact you know that sounds wrong but isn’t?
What’s the weirdest thing that ever happened to you?
What's a product for which the expiry date does not matter?
What’s a completely useless skill you’re oddly proud of?
What’s the one thought or memory that always pulls you back when you feel completely lost?
If you could master any instrument instantly, which one would you choose and why?
What is stopping you from being successful?
If you could live in any cartoon world for a day, which one would you choose and why?
If you could bring one thing from a video game into real life, what would it be?
What’s something simple that instantly makes your day better?
What’s something adults do that they don’t realize is incredibly annoying to teenagers?
who’s your comfort youtuber?
When did you realize you're a horrible person?
Facebook in 2024 Be Like: “Here’s a Memory of That Sandwich You Ate in 2011!” 🍔
What’s a rule in society that everyone agrees is pointless, but we all still follow?
What’s the moment you realized you could never look at someone the same way again?
What’s a life hack you wish you knew sooner?