How did i kill it?
Favorite movie where an entire country unites to fuck over a single foreign "celebrity" for political reasons?
Todd McFarlane currently
That's what a Nazi would say
Not oop. Partner says accept her or break it off.
Revive Your 1-Cost Cards With Dr. Voodoo
PSA: Update Client to Get 2K Tokens Instead of 1K
Who is a former mainstream child actor you wanted to bang back when you were also a child and still wanna bang now?
Mid Who Laughs thinks he's part of the squad
Reworked Elixir
ALL WOMEN seeking advice on why men might not find you attractive , IF YOU ARE FAT and don't wanna hear about it , then please don't ask anymore. pleaseeee
Coming of age story by first-time screenwriter -- looking for feedback.
Skill Issue
Jan 16 OTA Predictions?
A couple host some houseguests with bad manners. This leads to unspeakable horrors and death.
I worked a long time on something and It turned out bad and I’m not proud of it.
Who would win?
Monkey Buisness (1952)
a year of snap 1: not all heroes wear capes
Real Conspiracy Theory Hours, Booster Shop Edition
this should be automatically nr. 1 always...
Started playing about two weeks ago and I haven’t looked up any guides, would you say this is a good deck? How could I improve it?
Boyfriend, mom of 4 kids killed in Somers house fire kept guns in reach of teens, warrant says