[Serious] How do victims of sexual assault "get over it"?
I don't think mornings are something I'll ever be able to accept
A backstory & how I'm aroused by his betrayal?
Why do you not drink alcohol?
Touched by a TV show cheater’s apology
The feelings are not jealousy...but other words can't really explain the feelings.
What are some marriage alternatives that aren't a traditional ring?
max mallows! 🫧 15 kcal per 16g (~2 marshmallows)
Disclosed too much detail to family about husband's PA
Is this my CPTSD or should I be concerned?
Old = No longer Young. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What was a sentence a man said to you that you will never forget?
fantasy of husband cheating to make it ok, can't find thread
New report proposes redefining obesity by adding body fat and health status to BMI
From 1 to 100, how sure are you that your partner is not cheating on you?
Does anyone still have trauma with their ex ?
“After all this work you still don’t trust me?”
Hispanic/Latinos, what race do you consider yourself?
What was the worst virus/cold you ever had?
What's the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for you?
What's something that is romanticized when it really shouldn't be?
Why do you think people stay in relationships that they clearly hate their partner?
"Whatever happens, stay alive"
People in their 40s, what’s something people in their 20s don’t realize is going to affect when they age?