High school student recruitment red flags
Dentist in boot camp/navy in general
Just wanted to share
Would I be able to go navy?
I was told I could get a waiver for my past suicide attempt + self harm and it won’t stop me from going in but I’m still worried
My golden era is 1999-2000, what's yours?
Does MEPS ask about sexual abuse
2 years ago my doctor wrote in my medical records that I was a daily marijuana smoker. I’m clean now but will this be addressed at Meps?
Does it make sense for me to enlist?
Looking to talk to people about their lives and jobs.
Got my scores back do I have a chance cyber jobs
Army vs Navy enlisted
Is 2 weeks enough to study ?
Going to a recruiter
Debating rejoining.
Stupid question but I’ll ask anyway…
Can you get a job even if they tell you it’s not available?
Narrowing down a rate
Am I stupid to think I can join?
Could my ASVAB score allow me to be the MOS I want?
Job retaliation after turning in MEPS permission
Medically disqualified
should i tell my recruiter i smoked
Seeking Advice/Guidance
Would a lisp disqualify me from being a HM