Do you take your nice pens out of the house? Does it make you nervous?
Next time people want to skip school or work, just tell your teacher or boss you are experiencing a regional weather delay. It's worked for USPS almost 3 weeks now.
what mustang do i have?
What is your most interesting space fact you tell at parties?
Imprint removal. How to go about it?
NPD and 1st Pen - Kaweco Sport. But ink doesn't flow well.
TIL during World War I, due to concerns the American public would reject a product with a German name, American sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) makers relabeled their product as "liberty cabbage" for the duration of the war.
Are these good choices?
GT vs Eco Gas Economy
Spending a few bucks has never felt so appreciated
Has anyone seen this sold in America?
Anyone know how to fix a sheaffer touchdown? I have a question
Felix Bumgardner's famous Red Bull free fall from 128,000 ft. Is the horizon curved or is it flat?
Felix Bumgardner's famous Red Bull free fall from 128,000 ft. But why does the Inside Camera and Outside Camera show two completely different Horizons??
Entire California Congressional GOP visited Mar-a-Lago this weekend while fires ravaged their state
LPT: To stay awake during boring work meetings/ lectures, hover your feet above the ground
I (33M) in Texas looking to write letters
Moonrise at Washington Memorial
It’s constant. Energy out of control. Advice ?
Poland supports Trump call for NATO members to spend 5% of GDP on defence
While travelling with Sir Ernest Shackleton on the ill-fated 1915 trans-antarctic expedition, photographer Frank Hurley managed to make over 500 colour exposures using the Paget process.
Recommendations needed: when should I have Ziggy neutered? He’s 7 months old. I’ve heard conflicting suggestions. Also I’m worried about him getting anesthesia. Is there anything more to worry about with Smushy faces?
Dies anyone know what pen this is?
Dizzy at 15 weeks