And the left is as evil as it gets.
First privately owned one I’ve seen.
What was the scariest city you’ve ever been to?
What’s going on here?
What a show. Remember to vote these chuds out of office.
Realistically how long till it’s flying again?
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Red Tape: The Flosi-Alvin Chronicles
LAFD ready for the challenge! Meanwhile I saw three fire trucks full of strapping young lads put out a grassfire by our neighborhood clubhouse today. God bless Texas.
Leftoids are straight scum. Always getting their cut and monetizing tragedy.
The horror!
Oh The Irony...
he’s always been an ipad kitty
If true, EFF the bureaucracy of that damn state.
A leftoid’s utopia.
Fire him.
Hot sauce made with Ants
Just a reminder
Fo real
Where’d the money go? Oh we all know.
Every liberal leader is corrupt as hell.
I bet the firefighters got high as hell trying to put out the flames. But it’s nice to finally see evil get what it deserves.
Tough guy knocks out the littlest guy at the party; Gets handled by his buddy
Experiencing other cities and then moving to SA.
You could see the shame in her face.
Time to clear out the DoJ. And lock up anyone who took part of this.