Should I still read Lady of Darkness after reading The Legacy series by Melissa Roehrich?
Rain Of Shadows & Endings
Spoil Lady of Darkness for me
Unique recs, give me your holy grail reads that you still think about months later
Epic Recommendations Needed!
Update: I'm reading Rain of Shadows and Endings and have thoughts on the MCs...
Dark Mode Stuff Your Kindle Day is December 27th!
Why Did I Just Read “Manacled”?
Would you change your last name to your maiden name in a divorce if your children have your husbands name?
I’m so sorry this is how I’ve always pictured Azriel
He [37M] finally proposed [F31] and I feel selfish for not being happier
My wife and I agreed when we got together that we didn't want children. Now I'm in my mid-30s and having second thoughts.
So.. who all is taking the day off work when Onyx Storm comes out? 😂
Crowns of Nyaxia Book 4
Your fastest dnf
People with 400+ books read this year.. How?!
Even if it Hurts by Sam Mariano: Predictions for Deception
Y'all miss-sold Fourth Wing to me!
Help me choose my 175th read for 2024
Best way to use someone else’s “2024 reads” post
Genuine Question
Incredible fantasy romance from a debut author!
Does anyone else get amused at the size differences in RH?
I love Theon (The Legacy Series) - This forum makes me feel like I am the only one - RANT
Who is your all time Book Boyfriend and how did he win you over?