Reboot idea
Prices at the same hot dog stand - Apr 2014: $3.75 ; Aug 2017: $4.50 ; Sep 2023: $6.50
How are people surviving with these sky high grocery prices?
Is your state's sub reddit completely overrun but the left?
You have 1 year to make guaranteed returns on $10,000. How do you do it?
Conservative voters what are you thinking about that endorsement of Pierre now that Musk gave Nazi salutes? Last I checked NLers died fighting Nazis
A Lot Of Recent Posters Here Seem To Know How To Read The Subreddit Rules, They Just Don't Know How to FOLLOW The Subreddit Rules
Rule 1: No Political Posts
Get a good look Zuckerberg?
Wanted to put my girlfriends desk next to mine in our new house
I’m so fuckin happy it finally happened!
Proposed new subreddit policy: Adults only
Running from meter maid
You know, I’m the one responsible for those crop circles.
Two Questions: 1. Why does George own so many books? 2. Why is the shelf not in his bathroom?
What is something you think you could eat everyday for 3 straight months and never get sick of?
Why I love this subreddit
What Age & Net Worth Combo Would You Choose?
Seeking advice
That’s not my name
Whats the name of the woman Elaine works with that has a slow metabolism
Yo Retards
Dear YouTube. Tone the fuck down on the ads.
Don’t bet all your chips