A band of gym rats who always film themselves while working out
Which grunge song am I listening to?
Songs that are atypically heavy for their genre or style (outside of metal/hard rock)
your favorite song from the bon scott era?
A band name for a group of Soviet era spies
Songs that were popular that you didn’t initially realize were dirty?
Best three album run they did besides anything from 68-72? My pick would be Some Girls, Emotional Rescue, Tattoo You
Say "no" without saying "no"
Signals Appreciation
Is this a fair statement? As John Williams is to movie themes, Mike Post is to television themes?
We’ve all heard Rush, but how many actually listened?
A band where all the members have a weird obsession with Rob Schneider
What song is exponentially improved by the music video?
Who do you think had the best vocals out of the big four?
A band name made up of kitchen utensils ?
Any good spanish songs recommendations
Songs about nostalgia
Recommend artists based on what I listen to
No words: The 20 greatest instrumental tracks ever recorded
If this photo were a song, what song comes to mind for you?
A band name for a band that uses exercise bands while performing
Recommend me music based on my top 25
Urine Trouble or Urine Luck?
Band name for a band that writes all their music using the C++ programming language
Bands whose style changed so much they may as well be different bands?