Weddings are getting out of hand
Wedding Budget Help
Free content creation
Dog Friendly Weddings
Men’s Wedding Band
mypair code not working
PM-04: Living in Quebec - Working in Ontario - How much do you save for Quebec taxes?
Other departments - get me out of the contact centre. I love the job but cannot handle the level of perfection that is expected of us.
Thank you to all of you for a slightly strange reason
Healthy snacks for elderly
Career advice
The Mini Donut Finale Post
Getting out of the CRA call Center
Anyone watching the CRA town hall-what are your thoughts?
Phoenix Damages, Objection to Tax Deducted - Has anyone received the money back from CRA yet?
Oh oh.
Gym goers, protein lovers haven’t seen these before the macros on this is insane
Can anyone please help me understand why people strive to become management?
PSAC: the Phoenix settlement awarded in 2021 has retroactively been deemed non-taxable; members have until April 30th to file an objection and recover the non-taxable portion from the CRA
Poutine - Bistro 3R Québec
Slow paced, "boring" but stable positions and depaetmentd
What is the point of a Letter of Interest?
Non expensive food places
General Information on Record Suspensions/Pardons (I got one)