If someone that died over 100 years ago came to you and asked you to give them the best food, what are you giving them?
What celebrities annoy the hell out of you?
What is, in your opinion the biggest butterfly effect ever?
What is a bro code that you know of and live by?
What book do you always recommend to others?
What was a red flag that made you stop talking to a person immediately?
What brand is overpriced / not worth the money?
What was arguably the biggest f**k-up in history?
What is something widely tolerated by society that bothers you a lot?
What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?
What's a scientific fact that truly blows your mind?
What is an example of “if it’s free, you are the product”?
What is the most unattractive male name?
If all animals suddenly became human size, what would be the most terrifying?
This post started in South Africa, where is it now?
Which movie/series has been dragged out beyond necessity?
What’s one song that has to be in a soul session playlist?
What sucked as a child but is awesome as an adult?
NASA is launching a satellite to say sorry to the aliens.
If you could only have 1 App on your phone, what would it be?
When did you realise that he's gay ?
When is it okay for friends to publicly post stuff shared in confidence?
As you got older you realized that what?
I think my phone is broken.
My doctor said that I might die because I accidentally consumed clay.