Popping acid with a few close friends: Advice needed
Full power lsd trip report
What is the best mindset to have when tripping?
The girl I'm in a LDR with deletes every photo she ever sends me after a few days and it makes me feel very anxious about us. (18F,18M)
Is it weird that I (25M) find my (26f) gf's obsession with a particular Korean idol hurtful?
Name one thing you are grateful for
Playful little fellas
You like wabi sabi?
Three months sober
Comfort zone
for those who cut off all contact with their LOs: how do you deal with the regret?
Your username is now your partner, what's the sex life looking like?
How old were you when you found out about limerence?
Things that interest you that are unrelated to your LO?