Even with 18 Aquatuners my water tank is taking ages to cool down, am I doing something wrong?
Ultimate Mall from RAW creating every building, weapon, ammo, and more https://www.dysonsphereblueprints.com/blueprints/factory-ultimate-mall-from-with-dark-fog-buildings-creating-every-building-ammo-weapon-ships-and-warpers more in the comments
For those that enjoy raising the Flag of Freedooooom
Do you actually enjoy Metal horrors
I have been playing this game for years and just suck at combat, ship design and fleet control. Need help!
My results from many hours seeking the "Perfect" Seed
Fight a kha'ak installation without access to destroyers
When you Duplicate that great colonist a few to many times.
Missing Stratagems
Is "Royal Ascent" obsurdely OP or broken? 0 downtime between attacks!
That Glorious Helldivers feeling
Rip Hardy Abyss I Finally Reached A Point Where I Physically Can't Run The Game Without Crashing My Entire Laptop (I Can Give The World To Anyone Who Wants )
Voice Chat Issue PC tried everything
What do I do with this immortal skeleton in my hospital? I took all his organs already and have now all the bloodpacks I need. Any other ideas? Seems like a waste to just dump him away
Can you avoid trader bloat?
Challenge Ideas?
Just bought the game today!
Mandela effect or insanity?
Empire doesn't want to give me their psylinks
Sun Diving shield bug with new patch
Why did my SPOM leak so much oxygen into my hydrogen pipe (on the far right)? It worked completely fine for well over 300 - 400 cycles
How are you supposed to obtain bulk quantities of avorion?
Does anyone know how Francis John does his timelapse?
Very Casual Rocket