How disappointed would you be if Jason's chest hair doesn't grow overtime in the game?
It's so cute when my girlfriend does this
One lie made my sex life so great. Wondering if it's wrong and I should tell her
Found out a highschool girl who had crush on me is still waiting for me
What if you get arrested, you're actually put in prison.
No matter how hard you work, you just can't beat someone who enjoys. my story
I want to learn how to be the coolest uncle in the world!!!!
I have no big goal in life also don't want to be Popular, rich or do something big
What can ruin your mood really quickly?
I act like doing real work even when I'm doing real work
What cheat code for a game is burned into your brain?
Please please please! Teach your kids to never touch other's PC without permission
Developed habit of checking gmail every 10 minute and I just can't stop
Tired of being seen as intimidating and the angry one everywhere
People opened to me so easily that I feel like I'm socializing in easy mod then my girlfriend explained why she choosed me
What was the most embarassing thing happened to you and how did you get over it?
The most embarassing thing happened in year new party and I just want to leave earth now
Who do you think you are?