We should send a _____ to France to appreciate it's existence.
My crush just asked who I liked
We can’t call it clown9 anymore, their league team is sea nine
What do you think about Elderwood's build?
Does everyone now plays r6 (siege)?
The inner league player
I laughed so hard at this picture.
When you barely win a fight and the enemy pulls out the "AA+999" combo.
r/leagueoflegends Taking Down Posts Immediately
I need to get a ____ boy
so true
P diddy reference
What is your number 1 favorite Gundam/MS so far?
My mom walked in on me while I was watching a certain scene in oo s2
How do you say NO in your language?
Moments in Gundam when we all cried....
Panel lining game changer
Can't wait for RIOT to adapt this next
Yeah ADC sucks, but man I hate it when words lose their meaning.
Pls report sparx for having a diddy reference
Thank you Riot, I'm finally cured!
I love going outside to proudly display my____
Someone please tell Reddit I’m 14
The new reward system is 20 times worse than the already terrible old system
I should’ve brought my ____ to school