Looking for feedback and improvements
That's a Bold Strategy, Cotton
My fastest unmatch yet.
PlayStation: The Last 10 Years
The shotgun clapped
Men in your 30s, where do you buy your clothes?
More than 400 Alberta lawyers sign letter supporting mandatory Indigenous cultural training
Okay men: why didn't you get better grades in school?
Spot the six differences between the two panels! Reply, "got it" once you find all six.
Which two scenes are exactly alike? Reply, "got it" and share once you find the solution.
[Giveaway] Deathloop for Steam
[GIVEAWAY] Giving away 10 deskmats from the Autumn Collection!
[Giveaway] 2x Lord of the Rings Elvish or Dwarvish Keyboards
[Viofo A119 V3] I’m just trying to get home after work, man..
TIL that the United States is home to about 43% of Golf Courses Worldwide, more than any other nation.
Star Wars Republic Commando launches on PS4 this April
Anyone’s order of Fire Emblem: 30th Anniversary Edition ship from EB?
Question about pre-built
Every golfer's worst nightmare
TIL the 2002 D.C. sniper shootings were part of a plan by John Allen Muhammad to kill his ex wife. By the time he was caught, he had killed 17 random people, so she’d look like just one more random victim
Need to buy a new "bikini" trimmer
It’s always nice getting beamed 500m in the head with a Uzi.