Best seasons to watch with a 10 year-old?
I teach students who are struggling with the transition from high school to college. Their parents are 90% of the problem
Only wanting cash gifts
Wedding recap! $74k in LCOL, Cary, NC, 120 guests
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Newport, RI Weather?
Show me your BBB florals!
Remote Raid Megathread - Host and/or find raids here
Pet food company is begging not to cancel subscription, they know my dog is dead.
Are Brookline Schools Assuming Everyone Agrees on Transgender Issues?
In light of the recent posts about attire, I wanted to share what people wore to my “formal” wedding
I know this dress has got to exist.
Curious how many sick/personal days you get.
Full Wedding Weekend Cost Breakout - June 2024
It's better to be outright rejected from your dream university rather than being barely accepted and you can barely pass the courses due to the rigor and high expectations from the professor
Got email today from the COO about work hour expectations…
(Not OOP) the biggest lie I ever told & how my husband came to protect it
After 2.5 months of applying, I’ve accepted a job!
Worst red flag you have ever encountered while interviewing?
After 2.5 months of applying and interviewing, I’ve finally accepted a job!!
Got bait and switched with a job offer today and got to turn them down
Got a bait and switch job offer and rejected it