Who's the worst blank slate character ?
Whatever is your favorite game, try to summon the whole fandom with only one quote from that game
[ALL] Should I get these?
Real life Yukari just caught you being cringe. The last picture in your photos that contains a woman (real or fictional) is why.
Which Final Fantasy game was hard for you to get into? Or your least favorite experience? And why?
If you could only play one game in the series for the rest of your life, which would you choose?
What game is this for you?
What game pulled one of these?
I need help on Ninja Gaiden Black
What are your' unpopular KH opinions? We've all got em'.
Man & Man X
[Discussion] What Platinum are you most proud of?
how worth is the kingdom hearts 3 dlc
My first time getting the Ultima Weapon
How long does the lingering will cheese take
What’s one boss fight or location in Kingdom Hearts that almost made you call it quits on the game?
Don't @ me
Why don't I like To Pimp A Butterfly?
What's Your Favorite Album Cover?
KH3 Goofy on Fire glitch
Can I fix this?
What song does this for you?
[Discussion] How many Plats you got?
Need help with radagon :ps5"
PS5 need help with Dragonlord Placidusax. No summon sign showing up :(