Looking for Part-time Online WFH Earning opportunities
No rejections, No interviews, nothing?
Exams in IISERs
University Recommended MEXT Scholarship (Hokkaido U, Physics and Astronomy)
Disclaimer for Aspirants thinking about PhD in Foreign Countries
FindBounce + Cosmotransitions
To my seniors who study or studied in iisers
Tablet for note making(at IISER rn)and moderate media consumption at 30-35K.
Suffering in uncertainty! IISER Alumni and seniors help plox
Findbounce + CosmoTransitions
are there any students who have been diagnosed with ADHD. How are you doing at IISERs, anyone using meds or any other ways of treatment??
need advice!
What are the iiser senior’s views on the BS exit option we get after 4 years?
𝓟𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓪𝓷𝓼𝔀𝓮𝓻 👅
no IISER in top 5 like fr?
Seeking phd position
how is the relation between juniors and seniors at IISERs? DO YOU consider yourselves fortunate for having such friendly relations?
Grad Application Advice Needed (Fall 2025, Physical Sciences)
I kinda fucked up
How to bag an internship in the first year
I'm getting bs ms math nit Rourkela through jee mains and iiser kolkata through iat which should I choose
iiser preference (only iiser students reply)
What is like campus life in iiser kolkata