I don't wanna know
where post
Why is it called REDdit when it is orange
Snakes are deaf right? So how does this work?
I know it's "just" a heart stopping, but I don't know why this one got me in particular
A guy died for 3 seconds and came back to life, and it was all caught on film.
Best fan fiction?
Not even in stroller
This bridge is round for no apparent reason
Where do you guys pee?
Why would someone downvote my car ):
What is this?
When it’s cold enough to freeze wet hair
Chemistry teacher cuts student's hair while singing the National Anthem, goes too far
Level 4 Sentry, the hanging Gatling Gun
Thanks to KFETID for teaching me the chilliest way to play warframe, by revolutionizing the point and click adventure with evil orb Ivara
Hur kan de veta detta i förväg? Varför behöver vi inte vara oroliga på söndagar eller sent på natten?
Christmas Party theme was ‘funny t-shirts’, so naturally…
Gluten free
The way this cobra was transported
Where do I post this
"Do not enter"